4 APRIL 2019
9.00-16.00 @ Norrsken House, Birger jarlsgatan 57c, Stockholm
One of Europe's leading experts on family and business dynamics
Christine Blumenstein-Essen, APSYS, Austria leads this workshop where we work on issues and questions related to the special dynamics of family business. Link to Swedish version: För info på svenska, klicka här.
Christine Blumenstein-Essen from APSYS, Austria, leads a workshop where you gain insights about how family and business logic influence each other – in multi-generation family business as well as new start-up ventures where family life is affected.
With a systemic approach to organisation and family and systemic constellations as a method, we do practical work on cases from the group.
We build upon Christines work with more than 100 business families in Austria and internationally, Erik Hedblads handbook for family business succession (Handbok för generationsskifte, 2017) and Anna Thurdin Hedblads work on organisation systems in the network COBRAS.
You can bring your own question as a business family member, or bring a dilemma you faced as a coach or advisor. We will pre-select two cases to work on in-depth, cases that others also can benefit from – most often any case will bring out dynamics that is recognised by many. Email us if you want one of the two case spots! erik@paxledarskap.se
Possible themes to bring might be roles, strategic decisions, next generation and succession, sibling relationships, personal life path.
Confidentiallity is mutually agreed in the group. The workshop will be in english.
- Members of business families, regardless of generation or role
- Non-family leaders in family owned organizations
- Consultants, coaches, therapists
- Entrepreneurs and start-ups where business affects family and personal life
- Accountants, lawyers who serve family business clients and wish for a deeper understanding
- Systemic constellation professionals
Sign up, prices and terms
Price: 1 800 SEK + VAT (25%)
Sign up before February 28 at Early Bird Rate, 1 200 SEK + VAT!
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We will work in-depth on two cases. If you wish to bring your case, email us and we’ll contact you for planning! erik@paxledarskap.se
At the workshop, everyone in the group is invited to participate actively, so you don’t have to work on you own case in order to learn. Usually any case we work on brings out dynamics that many can relate to and benefit from.

Christine Blumenstein-Essen
Since 23 years, Christine has been working with the deeper dimensions of running or owning a business with family members, as a coach, psychotherapist, and supervisor.
She is the founder of APSYS, Austria, and teaches systemic psychotherapy in her home country and internationally. Co-author to the book ”Verkörperungen”.

Erik comes from a business family and started his first company at age 18. As a coach, consultant and counsellor he supports the growth of individuals and the healthy development of business and family. Author to the book Handbok för generationsskifte, 2017 (The Succession Handbook). Erik holds a M.Sc. degree from the Stockholm School of Economics, has studied Organisation Psychology at an advanced level and is trained as a psychosynthesis counsellor.

Anna has more than 15 years of experience in leadership and organisation development, in Scandinavian and global organisations. She holds a master in systemic constellations from the Hellinger Institute in Holland, a M.Sc. degree from the Stockholm School of Economics and a psychosynthesis diploma. She is part of COBRAS, an international network of systemic facilitators.